self reflection

Ending the Year with the Word and Action of Gratitude

Ending the Year with the Word and Action of Gratitude

The truth is, many of us have faced difficult moments this year. Whether it’s been personal loss, professional setbacks, or unexpected life challenges, it’s easy to feel disillusioned or overwhelmed. But as Chadwick Boseman wisely said, “The struggles along the way are only meant to shape you for your purpose.”

The Benefits of Choosing Reflection Over Resolutions

The Benefits of Choosing Reflection Over Resolutions

As the end of 2023 approaches, many of us have our sights on our goals for 2024. For some, creating vision maps, setting goals and making resolutions has become a tradition for the start of a new year. However, the traditional approach of setting resolutions often falls short, leading to frustration and feelings of failure.